There are two types of people in this world; Optimists and Pessimists.
A pessimist is a person that sees the negative in every situation, never looking for a positive act to work on.
An optimist on the other hand is always filled with positive energy, even in negative situations he looks for a positive window and does not focus on the negative parts.
The half glass is simply an ancient proverbial phrase or activity that is used to check whether a person is an optimist or a pessimist.

Needless to say, an optimist looks at the half glass and sees it to be half full whiles the pessimist sees it to be half empty.
Life is already filled with enough negativity and negative energy but the good news is that the mind is greatest weapon.
What you think in your mind, is what you wish in your heart.
what you wish in your heart, is the aura you feed yourself and those things are likely bound to happen to you.
make a conscious effort today be an optimist from today till the end of your life.
look at the glass, what do you see, half empty or half full?
book a session and lets figure out the answer together as we #growtogether