Imagine you go to an office, seeking employment, looking all shabbily dressed, in flip flops, a sagging trouser and a round neck, being honest to yourself, do you think you would be employed; regardless of the position you are seeking?
Now reverse it, Assuming you own a company and someone dressed in the narrative above came looking for a job, even as a cleaner, would you take them serious, assuming you employ them, or would you even employ them?

These are the little things that sadly todays youth deem old fashion and in the quest of being "hip" and "cool" they end up unemployed and blame it on the system.
Obviously you cannot walk the streets of Accra on a sunny day in a three-piece-suite and tie or go to the beach wearing "kaba and Slit".
In that same light, lets learn to dress appropriately to get the respect we crave.
#growtogether please share and invite more people to the site, you never know who you might be helping in the process