What is Depression?
It is the constant doubt of who you really are and deep thinking of whether you are capable of achieving anything substantial.
One may ask, but how can something so silly like this be so serious a thing that many lives are lost to it?
Depression is all in the mind. The very minute you allow your brain to think you are not good enough, you are opening the door to depression and inviting them in.
if you ever find yourself in a depressed state, remember these three cardinal rules;
- talk to someone; it can be anyone! just make sure you dont bottle your self up in thoughts that would end up hurting you
- evaluate and adjust your goals; of course everyone wants to be a success, but at what course? probably the goal or target you set for yourself is too high, relax and take a day at a time.
-let go; as strange as this may sound, people allow others to control how they feel or what they think about. if you ever find yourself depressed because someone left you or because someone said something to hurt your feelings, let go! they probably are not good enough to be in your life.
if this write up touched you in any way or form, kindly leave a comment after reading #growtogether and feel free to book a session, lets talk some more.